Transcription and Journalism – The Dynamic Duo

By: Daniela Reeve

No matter your field or style of journalism, mass amounts of typing is often required. When interviews are involved, the process can become tedious and time consuming. A very simple solution, with very noticeable benefits, is having a transcription company take care of the typing for you. You conduct and record your interviews per usual, send the files to us and voila!, you’ve just saved yourself loads of time.

Aside from the time saving element, there are several additional reasons why a journalist should use transcription. Some of these include –

Review Yourself

Listening to content and visually consuming content can have two very different affects. It’s easy to gloss over things or simply not notice something when listening to just the audio of, say, an interview you’ve just conducted. Do you interrupt too much? Are you offering enough time for thoughtful answers? Do you conduct your interviews in a professional manner? When your eyes are focusing on a written transcript, you can more easily decipher if your questions were redundant, irrelevant or robotic. This can only help you in the long run to be a better professional and work more efficiently.

Additionally, you’ll be able to easily determine if your story/interview flows naturally. You don’t have to wait until you personally type up the audio to determine if something is worth keeping, and if it truly contributes to the content you intend to share.

Quicker Turnaround Time

TAT, also known as Turnaround Time can be defined as the period for completing a process cycle. Have a looming deadline? Is your editor breathing down your neck? We get it. Let us know how quickly you need your file completed and we’ll work with you to help you reach your goals.

Typing is monotonous and can be a long process, even for someone with a great WPM rate. Having your audio transcribed by Speechpad saves you not only the typing time, but will cut down your overall turnaround time. The time you would have spent typing, can be spent doing further research, conducting an additional interview, or playing Solitaire while your boss isn’t looking.

Copy and Paste – it’s a beautiful thing. We’re so confident in our transcription team that we guarantee our work. Your content is viewed by several pairs of eyes to make sure the editing you have to do at the end, if any at all, is extremely minimal. This means you can quickly copy and paste portions of the text right into your article. Huzzah, more time saved!

As a matter of fact, Speechpad wants to make things so easy for you, that you can even record your calls via our website without having to install any additional software! Once your call is completed, you can just choose to have our team transcribe it and you’ll be good to go. It’s crazy simple, affordable and journalists that choose to have their audio transcribed have been proven to win more awards, and have more friends (warning: one part of this sentence may be an exaggeration). Why wait?!

Learn About The 3 Ways To Avoid Bad Transcriptions